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Historical Event on 7/21/1984

Terrorists breach Bhakra canal in Punjab.

Other Historical Dates and Events
10/26/1999Sonia Gandhi, Congress(I) president, visits cyclone-hit areas.
12/24/1973E.V.Ramasami, founder of DMK party, prominent leader, great social worker and revolutionary freedom fighter, died at the age of 94.
1/10/1920India became member of League of Nations.
3/3/1989Gwal Pahari in Haryana switched on the solar energy centre of the first pilot 50 kilowatt solar power plant.
11/3/1990Manmohan Krishna, famous film actor, passed away.
12/31/196199 Infantry Brigade Group, under Brigadier K S Raja, launched operations in Katanga province and regained full control of Katanga amidst stiff resistance offered by a break away faction (Katangese gendarmerie).
1/8/1973Nanasaheb Parulekar, father of 'Sakal' newspaper, died.
8/15/1997K.Sasikaran gets third IM norm in British Open Chess tournament.
6/15/1990Punjab Government returned gold and other valuables seized from Golden Temple during the 1984 Blue Star operation to SGPC.
12/15/1943The Vengeance suffered numerous defects and teething troubles, necessitating temporary withdrawal from the two IAF squadrons, but the problems were eventually mitigated if not eradicated, and No. 8 Sqn flew its first operational Vengeance sorties against Japanese targets from Double Moorings, Chittagong.